Dr. Shebi

DR. S. Shebi

Dr Shebi Sasikumaran is an excellent oral health care General Dentist from kanyakumari, Tamilnadu. Her Under graduation is from Saveetha Dental College And Hospitals, Chennai. She had completed Associate fellowship course in laser dentistry by World Clinical laser Institute, completed basic implant training course during UG program and also certified in Biostatistics and Research Methodology from Saveetha Dental College And Hospitals Chennai, a globally recognised institution.
She participated 20 national and 3 international conferences in India and had presented 32 paper presentation and awarded for 5 best popular awards in Saveetha Trans-disciplinary Annual Research summit during UG program. She also awarded for best poster in 5th intermational Word Dental and oral health congress 2020, GENESIS conference held during 2017, MOLARIS conference held 2019, AMROPIN quiz competition in 2020. She had published 20 research paper in Scopus Pubmed Journals with high impact factor and citations, a few of them are named respectively 1)Gracilaria folifera Borgesan Ethanolic Extract Triggers apoptosis via activation of p53 expression in HepG2 cells, 2)Tobacco use among teenagers in Chennai- a survey of Initiation, Prevalence, Knowledge and attitude 3) An analysis of Mean bone availability on the choice of implant width and Length 4)Primary stability achieved during implant surgery and bone loss at recovery in patients of private dental institutions- a retrospective analysis 5)Choice of root canal irrigants used amongst post graduates for treatment of immature non vital permanent teeth in pediatric patient visiting a dental college 6)In vitro evaluation of antimicrobial efficacy of root canal sealer in combination with antibiotics against Enterococcus faecalis 7)Anti microbial activity and cytotoxic effect of mouthwash prepared using ginger and rose herbal formulation 8)Polymers used as Implant biomaterial- a future scope of dentistry 9)Antimicrobial effect of alpha lipoic acid against oral microgranism 10) Evaluation of anti mycotic activity of rosemary oil against Candida albicans 11) Morphometric localisation of mandibular foramen with reference to various anatomical landmarks in Dry human mandibles and its clinical implications and more. She had done 2310 clinical procedures in UG programme including minor oral surgery cases, implants, flap surgery and had documented it. Now she joined as an Practising General Dentist in Jerush Dentofacial and Cosmetic Laser Centre and is a part of Jerush family. She is very much passionate in exodontia, prosthesis, minor surgeries, root canals, laser surgeries and prefer any challenging work clinically. Willingness to learn and flexible mind to work with all the departments make her unique and stand out to create the healthy and beautiful smiles. One of her is word which she use always is “Your success will be determined by satisfaction and confidence of your own patients”