Root Canal Treatment – Endodontics


What is Endodontics

Endodontics is the dental specialty concerned with the treatment of the dental pulp. Endodontics can cover the following procedures of dentistry.

The treatment (Root Canal) of an infected tooth pulp has the following steps: 

  1.  An opening is made through the tooth towards the infected pulp area and the total pulp is removed
  2. The canal is well cleaned and medicated to ascertain the sterility, followed by placing a temporary filling.
  3. The sterile filling material is then filled into the canals and sealed to prevent reentry of germs.
  4. After completion of the treatment, a capping is done with a permanent restorative crown or bonded filling that replaces the temporary filling.
Good oral hygiene, regular check-ups and cleaning are to be strictly followed after Root Canal Treatment.