Corona time. Right?


Care during Corona Spread

Corona! by hearing this term, everyone will be frightened…upset…automatically his/her immunity will go down. Is it yes? Of course! COVID 19, Coronavirus is a group of related RNA viruses that cause disease in mammals and birds. In humans, this virus leads to RTI (Respiratory Tract Infection). Infection ranges from mild to fatal. COVID patients are increasing day by day so that getting panic does no benefit, instead, precaution helps!

Carelessness during COVID time matters. These are a few steps to be taken during this crucial time to prevent this type of infection until vaccination is discovered and make it practically applicable.

Preventive measures for Covid-19


  1. Wash your hand with soap and water for at least 20 seconds (This period of time is important for the virus to destroy).
  2. Use of Alcohol-based sanitizer. While you come out of your house, like public places, when difficult in use of handwashing with soap, use an alcohol-based sanitizer (minimum 60% alcohol). But beware to wash your hands with soap before eating food. Don’t use a hand sanitizer nearby a stove, as it can inflame.
  3. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth without proper cleaning of hands as it can cause entry of Covid-19 virus to the body and thereby infection.
  4. Avoid junk foods. Eat healthy foods that provide adequate nutrition. Take vitamins more especially C and D during this COVID time to boost your immunity. Our body’s immune system is more important to fight against infection.
  5. Use of face masks. Proper use of face masks will prevent infection. Use it and don’t throw it to public places as it is already contaminated. Masks once it is used on your face, don’t use it next time to the opposite side, as the contaminated surface meets your face. Always remove your masks with an elastic cord.
  6. N-95 mask- best mask for more protection.
  7. Stay at home unless it is absolutely necessary.
  8. Give more importance to personal hygiene.
  9. Avoid drinking cool drinks. Drink hot water occasionally.
  10. Keep social distancing.
n95-mask 1. How to remove facemask. | 2. N95-Mask

“Prevention is better than Cure”     

Here at Jerush Dental & Facial Corrective Center, a leading Dental Hospital at Thuckalay, we maintain all new set-up and procedures as per the Government norms for a Complete Covid-Free environment for the safety of our patients and the staff. ‘Jerush’ Dental Clinic is located at a place easily accessible since it is very nearer to Colechal (colachel), Karungal, Eraniel, Monday market, Azhagiamandapam, Mulagumoodu, Marthandam, Palliyadi, Villikuri, Manali, Kumarakoil, Parvathipuram, Chunkankadai, Mandaicaud, Kulasekharam, etc. places.

dr-aiswarya Dr. Aiswarya

Author: Dr. Aiswarya BDS (Reg. No. 20083), A skilled dentist who had passed out with flying colours in her professional studies, serving more than five years at Jerush Dental & Facial Corrective centre. Other blogs: Dark Chocolate, Oral Health Advice

Dental Hospital Nagercoil Marthandam


Jerush Dental & Facial Corrective Centre is the best Dental Clinic  / Dental Hospital and Covid-19 norm strictly following hospital near Nagercoil and Marthandam. Just a twenty minutes travel from Nagarcoil or Marthandam will do to reach this Centre at Thuckalay. Started as a small clinic in 2002, now they have grown to provide world-class dental care with state-of-the-art technology equipment. Karungal, Colachel, Monday Market, Kulasekharam, Azhagiamandapam are some of the places close to Jerush dental & facial corrective centre, Thuckalay, Tamilnadu. Here, all our Dentists are well qualified and skilled. Our talented Dental surgeons are looking forward to serving your dental needs with the utmost care and maximum satisfaction.

About Coronavirus

Coronavirus is a tiny group of RNA viruses, achieved a heavy impact on several major countries in the world.

How coronavirus spread?

Coronavirus spread through droplets from the nose or from the mouth as a result of coughing or sneezing of a coronavirus infected person. Coronavirus can be transmitted directly if the infected person is in close contact with a healthy person when the infected person cough or sneezes the droplets expelled have very high contagious to the person who is within one meter. The droplets which contain virus can be transmitted indirectly as it survives on clothes or other surfaces. Coronavirus survives over metal and glass for 5 days, over wood for 4 days, over plastics, and stainless steel for 2-3 days.  When the person touches any of the infected clothes and then touches his mouth, nose, or eyes will be infected by coronavirus.

What are the symptoms of COVID-19?

Symptoms of COVID-19 is very much similar to common flu. Common symptoms of COVID-19 are shortness of breath, fever with the gradual increase in temperature, cough, fatigue, chills, headache, sore throat, muscle aches, loss of taste or smell, confusion, excessive drowsiness, persistent pain in the chest, blue face or lips, diarrhea, conjunctivitis, rashes on the skin, discoloration of finger or toes, loss of speech or movement. Generally, it takes 2-14 days to show up the symptoms of COVID-19. People at any age can be infected by coronavirus. But most often, elderly persons and persons with pre-existing medical conditions like diabetes heart disease, asthma et., are more affected by coronavirus. Smoking increases the risk to be infected by coronavirus. Some researches show men are more vulnerable than women by coronavirus.

Protective and preventive measures against coronavirus:

covid-19-prevention Coronavirus Prevention
  1. Washing your hands with soap and water for 20 sec. will be effective against coronavirus. If soap and water is not available, use alcohol-based sanitizer with at least 60% ethanol or 70% Isopropanol. Hands should be washed after handling money, after using public transport, after touching the elevator button or door handles, after using ATMs, after shopping, etc. Avoid touching nose mouth eyes.
  2. Wear a mask, when you are in public places. Wash your hands before touching the mask, check the mask, for any dirt or damage before wearing masks. Hold the face mask by ear loop. Place it around your ears, secure the mask as it covers your nose, mouth, and chin. Wash your hands before removing the face mask, only touch both the ear loops and gently lift and remove the face mask. Then wash your hands with soap. This is the recommended way to use a face mask.
  3. Avoid going to places that were crowded as it causes a serious spread of coronavirus.
  4. Keep at least a 1-meter distance between yourself and other people.
  5. It is wise to stay home and isolate yourself even with minor symptoms.
  6. If you have difficulty in breathing, fever, cough, seek medical help.

Protect yourself by following preventive measures and let us together fight against Coronavirus pandemic.

dr-jovitta Dr-Jovitta

Author: Dr. M. Jovitta, Pediatric /Preventive Dental Health Expert,
Jerush Dental & Facial Corrective Centre

Click to read Dr. Jovitta’s other blogs: “Why flossing is important” “Brushing Techniques” “Bad breath or Halitosis” “Smoking and Oral Health”, Tooth replacement options for missing teeth” “Dental pain & Root canal Procedure”