Arthritis Patients and Dental Health concerns!

arthritis-dental-care-header Arthritis and dental care in Jerush Dental & Facial Corrective Centre, Thuckalay

Several studies have shown the connection between Arthritis and dental problems. Periodontitis (Gum disease) and Gingivitis (Gum Inflammation) are common oral diseases found in Rheumatoid arthritis patients. Maintaining proper oral hygiene, avoiding foods that build plague easily, seeking timely dental advice are key points to be followed by RA patients.

Conditions that caused by Arthritis

  • Sjogren’s syndrome is a condition due to Arthritis which damages the salivary gland and causes inflammation. This may lead to dental cavities, dry mouth, eating difficulty, and sometimes tooth loss.
  • Temperomandibular joint (TMT) also be affected by Arthritis, making it painful while opening and closing your mouth.
  • Bacterial infection due to Arthritis can cause swelling on the gums over the jaw, and be the reason for severe pain, fever around the jaw.
  • A white layer of fungal infection may appear on the tongue or around and inside of cheeks.
  • Rare possibility to occur mouth ulcer also.

On what all reasons arthritis patients need to visit their dentist?

  1. When properly caring/brushing teeth is more complicated, patients need to seek the dentist’s advice. Arthritic patients with any of these conditions such as hand deformity, finger contractures, wrist fusions, painful elbows, etc., who suffer to cope with proper brushing need their dentist’s advice for alternative cleaning procedures.
  2. Arthritis patients when they feel jaw pain or severely limited range of motion, which restricts the jaw motion should immediately visit the dentist for advice.
  3. When the bacteria from an arthritic patient’s mouth enter the bloodstream, through a cut in their mouth from any way or simply brushing will harm the overall health. Fixing this condition insists upon a dentist’s advice.
  4. When arthritis patients are at higher risk for developing root caries, a visit to your dental office only be the best option to fix it.
  5. When dry mouth occurred as a symptom of certain diseases, occurred as a side effect of some medications, please visit your dental office without delay.
  6. Arthritic patients, when they have had their joint replacements are strictly advised to have regular dental check-ups.