Cost of Dental Implants in South India

dental-implant-fixing Dr Bladbin Anbiah

The global dental tourism surges and India is considered as one of the best destinations in the world. The cost of dental implant treatment and the world-class facility are the main reasons dental tourists’ choosing India for their treatment. Though the cost of a Dental Implant in India is very reasonable, it depends on the type of device that suited to an individual and the type of device they select.

Dental implant device cost differs from manufacturer to manufacturer, and the type of device depends on the bone condition and the health of the nearby tooth of the implant to be placed. There are many illusions airing about the cost of dental implants among people. But the real cost of a dental implant can only be fixed after consultation with a dentist at a dental implant centre. Before deciding a dental implant centre, it is better to consider the following points.

  1. Ascertain if your implant centre has all infrastructure and implant specialist.
  2. Make sure if the centre has a reputation and a good flow of dental implant candidates.
  3. Do make a visit to have a quote, a detailed procedure and the duration of the treatment.

Why choose Jerush for your dental implant fixing?

Jerush Dental and Facial corrective Centre, Thuckalay & Chennai is a renowned name for its quality patient care. It has been a leading dental hospital in South India, since its inception in 2002, witnessing gradual improvement with the blessing of thousands of happy patients in Tamilnadu and across the nation. Dental implant fixing is becoming the norm here. Every month we serve at least 25 cases of dental implants and the number is still increasing. This is the main cause, why we are able to fix the dental implant at a lower cost. ‘More dental implant candidates, more experience and less in price’ is our mantra of success!

Cost of Dental Implant

As previously mentioned, the cost of the device depends on the ‘brand’ and as a dental implant candidate he/she should have a question ‘which brand is good?’ Here comes the practice secret. An experienced dental implant specialist who has a vast knowledge about it only can spell a solid answer for it. We at ‘Jerush’ know well about it and our costs are lower than anywhere in the world. Anyhow our cost of fixing for a single implant ranges from Rs.18,000/- to Rs 25,000 without any compromise in quality. Does this seem surprisingly low?