About Halitosis
Many among us are taking bad breath lightly, ignoring an immediate treatment and have a perception that bad breath is a simple curable disease, contrary to the real unfair situations it can create in a conversation, the possibility of mistaking others on their poor personal hygiene and the real underlying problems of its cause.
Causes of Bad breath:

Bad breath causes are plenty while some are simply manageable. The food or drink you have maybe a reason for it. Food that includes certain spices, garlic, onion, cheese, aerated drinks, canned juices, alcohol etc., can be the cause of bad breath or halitosis. Habits, like smoking or using any form of tobacco, can intensify the bad smell.
Poor Oral hygiene: It is the common cause of bad breath. Remnants of food stuck on the wall of the mouth, tongue, in between teeth, dentures, braces, retainers or any hidden part of the mouth over time generates bacteria which cause bad odour and related health issues.
Dry mouth: Saliva functions as the best cleanser to our mouth. Dry mouth lacks adequate saliva secretion results in causing bad breath.
Larger health issues: Halitosis may be a sign to major health issues like diabetes, sinus infection, liver and kidney diseases, gastrointestinal disorders.
Halitosis treatment @ Jerush dental and facial corrective centre:
Halitosis is diagnosed primarily based on the odour along with the help of some clarification we get over the patient’s lifestyle and medicines if taking for any other ailments. Diagnose is considerably easy for our regular dental visitors since we maintain their disease history with us.
Our dentist will suggest a proper solution for your disease which may have a list of medicines, advice to a lifestyle change which can stop your bad breath, or he will refer you to a doctor if you are under any larger health issues. Prior to this, our dentist will do oral prophylaxis (scaling) for a freshen up of the mouth and to check if oral hygiene is the culprit.
Our Overall advice to patients is regular dental visit and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.