Caring your Dentures


How to care for your dentures?

Now you are equipped with a new denture. Here are some tips on how to get the maximum out of your denture!

  1. Please note that the artificial denture is not a fully functional replacement for the natural teeth
  2. Difficulty in chewing and speaking, after placing the Denture will pass on as the user get used to the Denture.
  3. Regarding the aesthetic appeal, just bear in mind, that you yourself are the best judge in assessing the Denture.
  4. In heavy smokers, detention may be less due to the less quantity of saliva produced.
  5. Even the most perfectly placed dentures may sometimes be not satisfactory to the user. This may be due to the psychological condition of the patient for which the dental surgeon is helpless.
  6. After some time, the bony ridges on which the denture rests may undergo changes and become thin with age. This causes denture instability. The maximum life expectancy of a denture is 5 years.
  7. Keep a towel on the base of the sink so that the denture should not break. The outside and inside of the dentures should be cleaned with a soft brush. Clean it at least daily. Message your gums also as this improves the tone and blood supply of the gum.
  8. Soak your denture overnight since it helps to retain the denture’s correct shape. If any special instructions provided by the manufacturer of the denture, please follow it.
  9. Visit your dentist if you feel any discomfort while wearing your denture
  10. Avoid using cleaning solution with strong bleaching chemicals, hard brush for brushing, and hot or boiling water for cleaning.
  11. Handle your device so that no part of it should be lost its real shape.

Denture Experts in Tamilnadu

You are wearing dentures, right? Now you need to ensure routine practice to care for your dentures. We at Jerush Dental & Facial Corrective Centre are very much concerned about caring for the denture health of our patients and clients and that is why we are texting this informative blog. Please read carefully and if you have any other queries, do not hesitate to call /contact us. If your denture needs any service or repairs too you can contact or visit us after fixing an appointment. Yes, we are the denture experts in Tamilnadu.