Invisalign – Best Orthodontic Treatment Nagercoil

invisalign-orthdontic-treatment Nagercoil

Jerush Dental & Facial Corrective Centre, The Best dental Hosptial in Kanyakumari District, provides the best orthodontic treatment including Invisalign in and around Thuckalay, Nagercoil, and Marthandam towns of Kanyakumari District.



Nowadays people are more concerned about their appearance in their professional and personal lives. As the face and the teeth have the most important role to present to the outside world adults and children are seeking dentists to improve their look. First, in early periods, malocclusions are corrected by the metallic orthodontic appliances. Then comes tooth coloured brackets and wire. So as the patients’ esthetic requirements increases, lingual brackets come up. But now Invisaligner has taken orthodontic treatment to whole another level.


Invisialigner is a transparent thin rigid removable plastic aligner that helps the teeth to move in their proper position. However, this aligner meets the patient’s esthetic demand the whole crowd turn towards invisalign therapy.

invisalign-jerush-dental Invisalign, The best orthodontic treatment

How invisaligner are made?

Initially pre-treatment records are prepared that include study models,orthopantomogram and cephalometric radiographs, and clinical photos of the patient. The impression is made with polyvinyl siloxane material. Maximum intercuspation bite is recorded. The cast med was then scanned to produce a virtual 3D model. This 3D model is manipulated by the dentist to treat malocclusion with proprietary software. With this 3D model, a series of invisaligner is made.

How to use invisaligner?

The patient should wear the Invisalign for 22-24 hours every day. 10-50 invisaligners are changed every 3 week according to the movement of teeth. Each invisaligner will move the tooth to 0.25 to 0.3mm to correct the malocclusion. It takes 20-24 months for complete treatment according to malocclusion. If the patient has severe malocclusion first for few months, traditional brackets methods are used and then continued with invisaligner. Aligners should be removed while eating, drinking brushing, and flossing. Invisaligner should be cleaned with tooth brush and then soaked in 3-4 drop of chlorhexidine in lukewarm water for 5 minutes.

Who can get invisalign treatment?

Patient with mild to moderate spacing, mild to moderate crowding, orthodontically treated patient with relapse, narrow arch, deep overbite cases, distally tipped molars, mal-aligned teeth, lower incisor extraction in severe crowding. Spacing, skeletal discrepancies, short crown, multiple missing teeth, severely rotated tooth and the patient who needs premolar extraction are not the candidate for invisaligner. However initial corrections are made with the traditional bracket system and then continued with invisaligner.

Advantages of Invisaligner

  • Invisaligners are aesthetic also it gives confidence to smile and comfortable for the patient
  • Better oral hygiene maintenance
  • Short dental appointments and technically easier
  • Less allergic response
  • Removable
  • Reduce occlusal wear from parafunctional habits
  • Perfect choice for orthodontic retreatment
  • Advantage in patients with TMJ problems.
  • Low risk of enamel decalcification.
  • No root resorption.

Limitations of invisaligner

The patient should be motivated to wear invisalign for 22-24 hours. This plays an important role in the outcome of treatment. Poor oral hygiene, fracture of the aligner, skipping appointments affects the quality of the result. Invisaligner is expensive than conventional braces. In anterior open bite, skeletal discrepancies, occlusal contacts, buccolingual crown inclination occlusal relationship and overjet fixed appliance are more suggested than invisaligner.


The esthetic and comfort of using invisalgner plays an important role in attracting the majority of people towards invisalign treatment. The outcome of the invisalign is also promising. This leads for its success. Invisaligners are removable and easy to use. The advantages and disadvantages of invisaligner should be explained to the patient before treatment. Duration and outcome of invisalign treatment depend on patients’ cooperation. Nowadays invisaligner is more appreciated than the conventional fixed appliance.

dr-jovitta Dr-Jovitta

Author: Dr. M. Jovitta, Pediatric /Preventive Dental Health Expert,
Jerush Dental & Facial Corrective Centre

Click to read Dr. Jovitta’s other blogs: “Why flossing is important” “Brushing Techniques” “Bad breath or Halitosis” “Smoking and Oral Health”, Tooth replacement options for missing teeth” “Dental pain & Root canal Procedure”, “Coronavirus (COVID-19), Symptoms and Prevention”, “Gingivitis & Covid 19″  “Oral cancer treatment” “Pericoronitis” “Teething”