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Jerush Dental & Facial Corrective Centre is one of the best dental hospitals in Nagercoil, Thuckalay, and Marthandam towns in Kanyakumari district, Tamilnadu.
Preventive dentistry treatments very important for kids since the mouth and its dimension of a child is undergoing changes as the body ages and expanding. Preventive dentistry can make a positive contribution throughout their life! Children are prone to dental diseases like adults if proper oral hygiene is maintained. They also eat sweets, drink juices, and sugary foods.
Here are some important preventive dentistry treatments for kids:
1. Pit and fissure Sealants: An adhesive coating on the chewing surface of the tooth to stop forming cavities
2. Flouride treatment: Application of fluoride on the tooth to combat acid and bacteria that causes decay
3. Daily morning and night
teeth cleaning is necessary to eliminate plaque and tartar
4. Space maintainers: This device used to maintain tooth space and stops future orthodontic problems.
You can protect your kid from getting tooth decay by beginning his dental consideration early. Pursue these means to prevent depressions and keep his delightful grin solid.
Some Kids Dental Care Tips
1. Get a check-up every 6 months for your kids
Your kids should see a dental specialist on their first birthday. Early
preventive consideration sets aside your cash over the long haul.
2. Avoid ‘Baby bottle Decay’
Try not to put your baby or kid for a snooze with a bottle of juice equation or milk. Sugary fluids stick to his teeth bolstering microscopic organisms that can cause tooth rot.
3. Teach good dental habits to your kids.
Before your baby has teeth, you can gently brush his/her gums using water on a toothbrush or with a soft washcloth.
4. Cut back on the juice
Numerous parents think juice is a sound day-long decision for a beverage, yet it can prompt tooth rot. Utmost, your kid to close to 4 ounces per day of 100% natural product juice, give non-sugary beverages and sustenance at eating times, and use squeeze just as a treat.
5. Control your kid's Sippy cup
A Sippy cup can help children move from a jug to a glass, yet don’t give them a chance to drink from it throughout the day. Utilizing it in excessive amounts can prompt rot on the back of the front teeth if the beverages are sugary.
6. Ditch the pacifier by age 2 or 3
There are heaps of void justifications to give your child a chance to utilize a pacifier, yet in the long haul; it can influence how his teeth line up. It can likewise change the state of the mouth.
7. Watch out for sweet medicine:
Kid's prescriptions can be flavored and sugary in the event that they stick on the teeth, the possibility of cavities goes up. Children on drugs for incessant conditions, for example, asthma and heart issues regularly have a higher decay rate. Anti-toxins and some asthma drugs can cause an excess of yeast which can prompt contagious contamination called oral thrush. Signs are rich curd-like fi
xes on the tongue or inside the mouth.
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