Dental pain and Root canal procedure
Dental pain is the most common symptom of dental caries, trauma, periodontitis, infection, etc. Each tooth has the most vital tissue called the pulp. The Pulp consists of blood vessels, connective tissue, and nerves. When pulp is violated by infection or trauma, the person may feel pain. The pain will be short sharp or dull aching. Dental pain can also associate with swelling or pus discharge.
For permanent relief from pain, root canal treatment is the option.
1. Infected Tooth | 2. The infected pulp is cleaned | 3. The tooth is filled | 4. The tooth is capped[/caption]
Root canal treatment is the common dental care procedure to save the damaged tooth. The tooth is repaired to retain its normal function. In root canal treatment, the infected pulp is removed, cleaned, shaped, medicated and filled with Gutta Percha( a natural filling material).
Many people have fear root canal treatment procedure, so they leave the tooth untreated.
Root canal treatment is performed under proper local anesthesia for comfortable and painless treatment. The tooth is drilled in a proper position to access infected pulp. Root canals are cleaned and medicated to subside the infection. Once symptoms’ disappear, root canals are filled with natural latex and sealed.
The function of the tooth is thus restored by placing a crown. Maintaining proper oral hygiene will preserve the tooth for a long time.
Jersuh dental and facial corrective centre is located just 20 km from Nagercoil. Our Chennai unit address is, G2, Chandhini Apartment, 29, Mahatma Gandhi Road (MG Road), Sashtri Nagar, Near State bank of India, Adyar, Chennai 600 020. Ph: 94891 60000.
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Author: Dr. M. Jovitta, Pediatric /Preventive Dental Health Expert,
Jerush Dental & Facial Corrective Centre
Click to read Dr. Jovitta's other blogs: "Why flossing is important" "Brushing Techniques" "Bad breath or Halitosis" "Smoking and Oral Health", Tooth replacement options for missing teeth"
Root canal treatment (Root canal therapy)
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Root canal treatment is temporary or permanent solution. Can I get the expense chart? because I and my wife both of us need the treatment very badly.
Thank you for your inquiry.
Root Canal treatment is the last and only solution to save your tooth from its removal. However, it can get infected too. Of course, as long as you maintain good oral hygiene, that long it is a permanent solution for you.
No readymade expense chart we maintain for Root canal treatment since it depends on the amount of destruction of tooth structure, cost of the selected crown, etc. But one can expect an approximate cost that ranges between Rs. 3500/- to Rs. 10,000/-(including crown)