Oral Cancer treatment in South India
Oral cancer is an uncontrollable abnormal cell growth that has the potential to spread to other parts of the body. The higher the rate of oral cancer in India is attributed to the difference in lifestyle, poverty, habit, lack of education, and less access to medical care. Cancer may develop in lips, buccal mucosa (inner lining of cheeks, tongue, the floor of the mouth, hard palate. Lip cancer is more common in man and tongue cancer is more common in women. Oral cancer is life-threatening if not diagnosed and treated early. Jerush Dental & Facial Corrective Centre is a leading oral cancer treatment centre near Nagercoil & Marthandam
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Author: Dr. M. Jovitta, Pediatric /Preventive Dental Health Expert,
Jerush Dental & Facial Corrective Centre
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What increases the risk of oral cancer?
There are various etiological factors that have been involved in the causation of oral cancer. Tobacco: The person who smokes more cigarettes daily is at more risk of developing cancer than a non-smoking person. Nicotine present in tobacco will lead to oral cancer. Chewing tobacco in the form of betel quid (paan), an areca nut, has been implicated in the causation of oral cancer. Alcohol: The person who drinks 3 or 4 pegs of alcoholic beverage every day has twice the risk of developing oral cancer than non-drinkers. The irritants that present in alcoholic beverages damage the cells and make them vulnerable to oral cancer. Sun exposure: Excessive sun exposure to the lip may cause lip cancer. Initially, a red erosive lesion appears then with years of sunlight exposure, the lesion becomes carcinoma. Viruses: Oral human papillomavirus infection plays a major role in oral, head, and neck squamous cell carcinoma. Chronic irritation: Chronic trauma from sharp teeth, ill-fitting dentures, sharp crowns, and bridges may contribute to oral cancer. The altered cell growth control processes and changes in the interaction between cells and surroundings give rise to metastasis. Systemic factors: Vitamin A, vitamin B complex deficiency, weakened immune system, nutritional deficiency, syphilis, drugs, family history of cancer may lead to oral cancer.Signs and symptoms of oral cancer
- The oral cancerous lesion present as a non-healing ulcer and bleeding from the lesion
- The cancerous lesion may grow exophylitically within few months
- The lesion has irregular edges with hardened underlying soft tissue. Then it metastasis to lymph nodes.
- Some cancerous lesions have pain and may have pain in the ears.
- Difficulty in speech, mastication, increased saliva secretion, mobile teeth.
- Sore throat, abnormal voice change.
- Weight loss.
- Numbness in areas of the face.
- Red or white patches in the mouth.
- Stop smoking tobacco like cigarettes, beedis, water pipes (Hookah, Shisha, etc).
- Stop using smokeless tobacco like chewing betel quid (paan0, snuff, etc.
- Chronic alcoholics should do in moderation. It is better to stop drinking alcohol entirely.
- Avoid continuous exposure to the sun to your lips. Apply sunscreen lip products, wear a broad, trimmed hat to protect your skin on your lips.
- Take a balanced diet.
Oral screening is done for patients with any irregular tissues and lumps in the oral cavity. Toluidine blue stain testing should be done to check for malignant potential. To establish the diagnosis of the lesion biopsy is done.Treatment: The treatment of oral cancer depends on the stage, type, and location of cancer.
Surgery: Surgical removal of the lesion, cancerous lymph nodes, and metastasized other tissues are removed. The reconstruction of the excised part is replaced with dental implants and grafts to restore the function and esthetics.
Radiation: Radiation at the tumor for 2 to 8 weeks is generally given. Telecobalt machines emitting gamma rays or linear accelerators producing photons are commonly used.
Chemotherapy and targeted therapy: Drugs that kill cancer cells are given orally or intravenously. In the advanced stage of cancer, both chemotherapy and radiation therapy are given. In targeted therapy particular proteins interface their growth.Diet: Malnutrition leads to impaired wound healing, reduced immunocompetence, and decreased tolerance to chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and surgery. It is important to get enough calories, vitamins, and minerals.
If you have any signs and symptoms that trouble you for more than weeks, make an appointment with your dentists for complete oral screening. Early diagnosis and treatment accordingly improve the chance of success. Jerush dental & facial corrective centre, Thuckalay, Tamilnadu, South India is providing an oral cancer screening service and facility to surgically remove mouth lesions at an affordable price.[caption id="attachment_1548" align="alignleft" width="95"]

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