Orthodontic Care
There are many benefits for orthodontic treatments. Orthodontics enhances one’s facial appearance and dental health and thereby one’s smile and self-esteem are improved. Though opting for orthodontic treatment at an earlier age is advisable, one can be an orthodontic treatment at any age.
1. Metal Braces 2. Self-ligating Braces 3. Clear Braces 4. Lingual Braces 5. orthopedic Appliances[/caption]
Since the results of Fixed Appliances after treatment are significant, better currently fixed appliances are widely used by the patients.
Removable Appliances generally have a plastic or acrylic framework made to support a variety of wires which can function to move a tooth or to hold the plate appliances in place.
Space Maintainers are used in maintaining space in the dental arch for the future eruption of permanent teeth.
If you want to know more about dental braces please click here
Jerush Dental & Facial Corrective center, Thuckalay is one of the leading dental clinics providing orthodontics (braces) treatment in Kanyakumari District. Marthandam & Nagercoil are the nearest towns. People from all places around Thuckalay, seeking perfect dental treatments are visiting our clinic.
What is Orthodontics?
Orthodontics specializes in treating patients with improper positioning of teeth, to improve the appearance of the teeth and how they work. Many dental devices such as headgears, plates, braces, etc. are used to correct the positioning of teeth, closing wide gaps between the teeth, to improve speech, etc.Types of Orthodontic appliances:
There are two types of orthodontic appliances 1. Fixed appliances 2. Removable appliances.Types of Orthodontic Braces
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